Wednesday, November 21, 2012



My name, Hj Roslan bin Hj Abdul Shukor retired Army Officer from Malaysian Armed Forces in December 2005. During my annually medical check up in June 2007, I was diagnosed having poor liver function due to unhealthy eating habits such as excessive consumption of oily and junked food. My stomach was bulging like a pregnant women and having very uneasy feeling. Breathing was heavy due to the diaphragm being press by the stomach. From the blood test results, the enzymes level was above normal. The doctor had prescribe me to take "essential forte" two capsule daily. Support the vital function of the liver, especially its antitoxic capacity.

I met Shakelee in October 2008 and consuming number of products to improve my health condition. In Nov 2008, Shaklee brought in new supplement specially for optimizing liver function. After being brief about the supplement, without hesitation I consume DTX Complex. Before consuming the supplement, I took a liver function blood test and 4 months later took another blood test to see the result are as follows:

Enzymes produce Ref/ Range Blood test Blood test Remarks
by liver       (20/11/2008)      (27/03/2009)

Transaminase(AST) IUL/L 0-40                      104                84              Reduce by 20 19.2%)

Trasaminase (ALT) IUL/L0-53                                                  163                         121    Reduce by 42(25.7%)

GGT (Gamma
Transpeptidase) IUL/L 11-49                     112                       81            Reduce by 31 (27.6%)

Diseases of the liver include; hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice and Hemochromatosis. Amazingly DTX Complex helps in the reproduction, regeneration, repair of liver cells and promotes healthy digestive system. Process of healing has taken place and the nutrition consumed DTX Complex works and safe.
My stomach very much softens, no unnecessary bulging, breathing stable and feeling healthy. I consumed 3 tablet daily before night rest. I shall continue consuming DTX complex, providing nutritional support for healthy liver functions and Shaklee supplements certainly change my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kenali Saya

18 tahun pengalaman

Saya mula mengenali Shaklee sejak umur saya 8 tahun lagi. Saya mula kerjaya saya semuda itu. Internet bukanlah era waktu itu... jadi FB, Twitt.. belum wujud lagi tapi Ibu dan bapa orang yang minat pada IT. Lahirnya saya sudah berjinak dengan computer.  Pernah satu ketika program dalam computer ayah saya hilang disebabkan MY IN BORN KNOWDLEGE IN COMPUTER. Jadi dengan Pengalaman dan Pengetahuan ingin saya kembangkan dengan secara internet.

Alhamdullilah , saya tamat pengajian saya di MMU pada 2012, jadi tahu tahu aje lah umur saya sekarang  ini dan sekarang bergelar sebagai Graphic Designer (Syukur alhamdullilah)

My dad and mom , selalu remind me that your future is what you do now. Falsafah ini selalu diucapkan ‘ WHAT YOU THINK, YOU LOOK;  WHAT YOU THINK, YOU DO; WHAT YOU THINK, YOU ARE.

Kemudahan internet sekarang menjadi  tool untuk perniagaan era ini.  Ramai yang sudah menjana income yang mereka tak terbayang sebelum ini.

Kenapa Shaklee pilihan saya...Off course I have COACHES and MENTORS  yang mempunyai  18 TAHUN PENGALAMAN , YANG SENTIASA BERSAMA SAYA.

Selain dari itu

4 P ini menjadi ukuran saya.





Secara ringkas........

Philosophy ini yang penting untuk sesuatu syarikat berkembang. Shaklee tidak mengubah philosophy walaupun bertukar pemimin.

Produk  yang berkesan dengan kajian berterusan.

Plan yang adil kepada pengedar.

People yang mengunakan konsep THE MORE YOU DO , THE MORE YOU RECEIVE.

Saya yang berusaha untuk maju.